Tuesday, 19 March 2013

It's positive!

“James stop the car! I need to run into Shopper’s and get something...”
“What do you need?”

This is the world’s worst lie. We have just rushed out of my hair appointment because of my sudden extreme nausea. You see, my hairdresser and I share an intense love for Dolly Parton-esque do’s and hairspray. Both Dolly and hairspray are usually my norm. Like pate and pickles (Polish thing), they are a regular part of my routine. Yet, on this particular day the smells, the spray, the music, the light, and basically everything around me is nauseating.

I run into the store, beeline towards the pharmacy and have my first of what will soon be many, out-of-body pregnancy-related experience. Is this really me standing in front of the pee stick section? I mean, I know tons of girls who buy these things all the time. I have one friend who is so paranoid that she stocks up every time they go on sale and has them on hand in her bathroom, like tampons. Another just buys them in bulk at Costco because they are too expensive otherwise, and figures that while actively trying and monitoring her flow etc., ( can’t remember what the process was exactly but there were very detailed calendars and times and schedules involved... clearly, I did not have this obstacle ha ha ha...) she may as well get used to taking them regularly. 

Anyways, there I am, buying my first pregnancy test, and of course there are a million options. With my mind already spinning with ‘what if’s’ there is hardly any room to make consecutive decisions about brands. 

Why is there a price range for pregnancy tests?! Does the more expensive one mean it’s more accurate? What brands were my friends using? Should I get two? That seems to be what people do in movies in case one is off.

 Which BTW don’t bother ever doing because the only thing that can in fact make the little window show a + is pregnancy hormone... which I learn later. Also, take nothing related to pregnancy or birth that you see in media seriously. 

I decide that I am not even pregnant anyway and this whole pregnancy test thing is just me being ridiculous. I’m only getting it so I can tell James, who has been convinced all summer that I’m pregnant, that he’s wrong!

 I fly out of the store with my bag of chips and a 50% off clearance pregnancy test. I figure to keep my secret a secret, I should avoid eye contact and conversation in general for the rest of the car ride. Another very    
un-me like thing. 

Upon our arrival home, I immediately lock myself up in the bathroom. I open the box and read the directions about one hundred times, just to be sure. If you haven’t done this, it is very simple:

  1. Pee on the stick.
  2. Look at the window on the stick.
  3. If there is a + in the window on your stick, sit down on your bathroom floor and try not to pass out. 

I follow the steps. And then I look. And then I re-read the directions about a hundred times. I look at the stick again. I look into the toilet to make sure that my pee looks normal, as though that would be the real proof. I look at the photo on the instructions. I turn the stick upside down and sideways just in case I am seeing the + wrong. I am pretty sure I shake it, blow on it, tap it, talk to it, and everything but sing to it. I behave like this for an unknown amount of time.  I believe you could say I am in denial. Yep, if denial and shock had offspring, I would be their baby. 

Next thought; I’ve been in the bathroom for what is starting to feel like a long time and James is like 4 meters away from me in the living room (our apartment is tiny) and is making no noise. Therefor he has heard me opening a box and shuffling papers, peeing a little, then stopping, and then peeing more. Obviously I am taking a pregnancy test. 

I come out of the bathroom and just stand there looking at him. He knows. I know this by the hugeness in his eyes and his body language. 
He sees that I am the offspring of denial + shock and probably at this point is not sure how to approach me. I remember seeing wetness in his eyes and exchanging nervous/excited embraces, but all I kept thinking was ‘stupid choice buying the clearance test... it has obviously malfunctioned, and now you've just gotten him worked up for no reason’. I actually remember giving him the heads up that it was a clearance test and so it was likely wrong! Clearly I am still in denial.

We are at a walk-in within the hour because I decide that that will be the only true way to know for sure. I do another pee test. Nurse leaves the room and James and I make little jokes about how crazy it would be if she came back and said that it was positive. Nurse comes back and hands us a pamphlet about babies and tells us it’s positive.

And so it begins :)


  1. I love your blog and how candid and hilarious you are! I also love that you bought the 50% discount test because I think I did that too because there was "no way I was actually pregnant" Finally I love how happy your story is from the very beginning!

  2. Wow, thank you so so much for your kind words! I've been nervous to post my first blog entry for days now... and you just affirmed for me that it's worth doing :D
    Definitely happy AND thrifty from the beginning... at least you and I saved money with our clearance pregnancy tests ;)

  3. I was moved, I cried, and I laughed. And now I am moved again, and crying....again. To read about what you, and MY baby (James is my youngest, as you know) went through as you discovered you were pregnant is what moved me to tears (they didn't have pregnancy tests when I was your age and pregnant with my first) but the emotions were similar. What made me laugh was imagining you in the bathroom: "shake it, blow on it, tap it, talk to it"....WHY didn't you "sing to it"? James would have really wondered then what was actually going on in that bathroom!!! <3 Martyna, please ask me anything you want to ask me about pregnancy, birth, or newborns. I don't intend on giving you unsolicited advice or unwanted information, which is why I have been somewhat cautious about offering but if you ask me, I will happily tell you all about my tight a... I mean, my experiences with pregnancy (I know it is getting a bit late for helping you understand this part), birth, nursing, and childrearing. Love you!

    1. Your advice will never be unsolicited, and your information will always be wanted! Please don't be cautions about offering any of it to me... I want it all, and it's never too late! I can't imagine what it must be like for you to be reading/watching your baby have a baby, and I'm happy you're able to get some insight into our journey through these crazy blogs of mine.

  4. So awesome, funny, and honest.....you had hit the ail on the head, us ladies, and some men, need to hear this.....so our bum tightness can take a breather!!!!

    1. Hear, hear! Cheers to bum tightness breathers!!
